Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Memory of Violets, Hazel Gaynor

A Memory of Violets, by Hazel Gaynor

Image result for a memory of violets

Leaving a complicated past, and everything familiar behind, Tilly rides the train to London to begin new employment as a Housemother in a portion of Mr. Shaw's Training Homes for Watercress and Flower Girls. Grateful for the chance to start anew, and refreshed by the fact that no one knows Tilly, or her history, she revels in her new life, job, and friends. After finding a hidden, and forgotten collection of letters in her room, Tilly embarks on a journey of discovery revolving around two sisters living barefoot on the streets of London. As she learns more about their treasured relationship, she yearns for healing between her own sister and self.

Hazel Gaynor intricately weaves multiple viewpoints into one flawless story. Originally set on finding everything she can about these two mysterious sisters, Tilly didn't expect to relate so well to their sad tale, and discover her own wants, and needs. Gaynor beautifully instructs readers on the importance of empathy, the strength that can be found in familial relationships, and the power within new beginnings. Appropriate for Young Adult readers, and enjoyable for adults as well, A Memory of Violets tells an important, seldom told story.