Monday, July 14, 2014

For One More Day

For One More Day, Mitch Albom

Like all Mitch Albom novels, For One More Day engages readers minds and captivates their hearts from page one. Chick Benetto, a lonely, washed-up baseball player, survives suicide. During the intermittent between trying to die and realizing he's still alive, Chick gets one more day with his mother, who passed away years previous. She reminds him of what is important, but most of all that he's important.  

Albom illustrates the significance of a mother-son relationship. He opens readers minds to the unacknowledged attempts at motherhood, and builds an appreciation for mothers everywhere. Albom brings the unbalanced efforts on the part of mother and son in maintaining their relationship to the attention of the reader, and causes internalization as well as application. Like most Albom books, For One More Day is a little heavy, it causes the heart to sorrow, both for Mrs. Benetto and it's own mother. It is beautifully written. It will change lives. 

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