Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher

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The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher

Penelope: Daughter, friend, wife, mother, mentor. Rosamunde Pilcher weaves one woman's many roles into a beautiful and unforgettable story. Completely captivating, readers live Penelope's life, feel her feelings, her worries, her troubles. Rejoice in her accomplishments, and hope her hopes. The characters in Pilcher's novel become real before you can even remember they're fictional, and their lives stick with you long after you shut the last page.

Human life is so rich, full of so much potential, and so many hopes. Vast heartaches inevitably meet us on our way, so it isn't the lack of disappointment that creates the good life, but the dealing with, and learning from those disappointments. By discovering Penelope's life, you rediscover your own.

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