Sunday, November 8, 2015

Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbott

Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy: Four Women Undercover in the Civil War, by Karen Abbott

Liar Temptress Soldier Spy follows the involvement of 4 women, 2 confederates and 2 unionists through their daring secrets and bold assertiveness during the Civil War. The title conveys an interesting mix of adjectives and all four women at some point portray each title. 

Abbott opened my eyes to the Civil War. Quickly I became aware of how simultaneously ignorant I was in regards to this American Historical landmark, and fascinated. Similar to The Devil in the White City, everything within quotations comes from original sources, be they letters, journals or court briefings. She does an excellent job portraying that women are capable even when their society tells them they aren't, without being annoyingly feminist. Abbott successfully corrals the sensitive topic of womanhood and declares to the world that females have roles to play. 

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