Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbit

Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbit

Tuck Everlasting

Winnie Foster's childhood is suffocating her. Button up boots, tight lace dresses, and the stifling heat of summer makes her yearn for something more. Even just exploring beyond the iron gate enclosing everything she's ever known into a neat little square would suffice. Tampering with the idea of running away, she accidentally finds herself a victim of kidnapping. Her kidnappers, however, don't frighten her; they fascinate her and teach her lessons on life that she will not soon forget.

Tuck Everlasting explores ideas on what it means to actually live. Not merely to be alive, not merely to not have died, but to live. Natalie Babbit's writing style drips with sophistication that will entertain advanced readers, but tells a story that will captivate young audiences as well. Readers will juggle moral dilemmas around in their heads they haven't previously considered and view life through a different lens after having read Tuck Everlasting.

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