Friday, August 1, 2014

A Little Princess

A Little Princess, Frances Hodgson Burnett

I've constantly been searching for a book with a stalwart enough main character that you could name a child after, and they'd have a constant role model. A character that is realistic, but pure and good the whole way through. I've found her in Burnett's, A Little Princess. Sara Crewe was raised in India as a little lady by her wealthy military father. However, when she finds herself orphaned, her fancy world turns upside down and she has to decide how to behave in her new reality.

Sara is always kind and always pleasant. She thinks though perhaps this is due to the fact that she has always had everything she ever wanted. She often wonders how she would act if she were poor, and suddenly and shockingly gets the chance to prove herself. Sara decides that no matter her circumstances, she will act as if she were a princess, always checking herself with the question of, if I were a princess, what would I do or what would I say. Little Sara wins the hearts of the reader and of those who surround her, and rises above her circumstances, inspiring all those who become familiar with her story. 

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