Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag

The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag,
Alan Bradley

When a famous puppeteer rolls into the tiny town of Bishop's Lacey, curiosities abound and Flavia de Luce is in the center of all of it. Just as Flavia's thirst for figuring out the untold dramas peaks, the puppeteer ends up dead. Resolved to figure out the small and overlooked details leading up to murder, Flavia, once again, uncovers old town secrets, makes progress one step ahead of the investigators and gives readers a close up look into the silly and lovable mind of an eleven-year-old. 

After finishing the first book in this series, I couldn't wait to get started on the second, and I wasn't disappointed. The particulars in this story however are a little heavier to bear than in the last. Upon closing this purple book, I didn't dare start on the third without giving myself time to breath, consider and let my mind unravel. Flavia had me wrapped around her little finger from page 1 til the end. But today I start the third, and I can hardly wait, because these books are fascinating.

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