Monday, August 4, 2014

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, Alan Bradley

Flavia de Luce is the child you wish you were. Imaginative, brave and curiously sweet, Flavia is sure to capture the reader's heart as she tumbles her way through murder clues, determined to solve the mystery. After overhearing an argument in her father's study, Flavia wakes up to find a dead man in the garden lying among the cucumbers. When her father is accused as the murderous villain, she resolves to get to the bottom of the riddle and in doing so uncovers deathly, overlooked secrets from years past. 

Okay I absolutely loved this book. I snatched the last copy from the library and promised myself I would only read it at work and while walking home from work so as to savor the pages. Today, being only halfway through, I forgot the blasted book at home. Never surrendering, I found a copy online, and finished it. I honestly haven't turned pages like this since the seventh Harry Potter book. 

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